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What We See In The Mirror

I developed a negative body image in high school while running track and cross country.


I felt like the fat girl on the team being close to a size 12 jeans and double D breasts. I always felt "fat." I had compulsive binge eating and purged through several methods, but mainly exercise. This led to decreased self esteem and self love.

It took about 7 years, and a lot of running to overcome these very destructive behaviors.

I am always seeking to be the best version of myself that I can be and to understand that what that looks like is never going to be a stick thin Kate Moss.

I think the transformation in our outward appearance MUST begin in the mind. If we stop using words like fat and ugly and average and overweight to describe ourselves, what we see in the mirror will start to look a lot better to us.

Can I honestly say that I am 100% happy about what I see in the mirror now? Heck no! But I also know that I never will be, and that is a part of me that I love and accept and will not continue to torture for the rest of my life.


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