Navy Weight RequirementsI have been overweight most of my life and have been active on and off throughout as well. I began seeing the effects of my weight in...
Going To Love MyselfAs I'm reading all of these entries, I have tears streaming down my the age of 25, I've struggled with my weight since middle...
Still See The FatI'm a 5' 3.5'', 29-year-old, mixed Vietnamese/German-Irish woman. When I was a little kid, I was a stick, but then sometime around fourth...
Accept Me As I AmThis morning I decided to write myself a letter, then when I got started writing I thought maybe I wanted to write everyone a letter....
Crying While Grocery ShoppingI don't think I can ever remember a time where I wasn't disgusted with my own body. Even from a young age I would constantly complain,...
Always Something To DislikeAt almost 30, I realize, no matter what, I have never been happy with my body. There is always something I hate. I grew up being very,...
Skinny As Expected NormBeing raised in an Asian household where being skinny just comes naturally and is an expected norm, I often heard how chubby I was...
Being Healthy Is PrettierI had always been really small. I graduated high school at 17, 5'10 and weighed less than 120 lbs. I was very underweight, and felt like...